サプライズ相互作用 Language models emulate certain cognitive profiles

日期:2024-07-01 浏览:480次 评论: 1条

-[2406.04988] Language models emulate certain cognitive profiles-Language models emulate certain cognitive profiles: An investigation of how predictability measures interact with individual differences. (PDF) Language models emulate certain cognitive profiles-Our study finds that in most cases, incorporating cognitive capacities increases predictive power of surprisal and entropy on reading times, and…… Language models emulate certain cognitive profiles-The paper presents an investigation into the relationship between language model performance and individual differences in human cognitive…… (Ir)rationality and cognitive biases in large language models-Do large language models (LLMs) display rational reasoning? LLMs have been shown to contain human biases due to the data they have been…… Systematic testing of three Language Models reveals …… PNAS-While humans make judgments of acceptability (13), LMs can only be informative about grammaticality, for they lack the embodied cognition that…… What are large language models supposed to model?-Do large language models (LLMs) constitute a computational account of how humans process language? And if so, what is the role of…… Using LLM Simulated Student Profiles to Support Question Item ……We propose a modular prompt architecture Generative Students, in which we leverage large language models (LLM) to simulate student profiles. In this paper…… UNLEASHING COGNITIVE SYNERGY IN LARGE LANIn this work, we have made an initial attempt to mimic the cognitive synergy in human intelligence using a single large language model (LLM). We introduced…… What Can Language Models Tell Us About Human Cognition?For language models to offer plausible insights into human cognitive processing, they should implement a transparent and cognitively plausible learning…… AI's Thought Process: The Role of Heuristics in Language Models-From favoring frequently seen patterns to avoiding controversial output, AI heuristics mirror some human cognitive shortcuts, while also…… --


